Wednesday Morning Links
Greece: Lack of deal ‘threatens euro’ - BBC
Eurozone finance ministers fail to agree Greek debt deal - Telegraph
The ‘technical’ issues that broke up last night’s Eurogroup meeting - FT Alphaville
EFSF Says Bond Sale Delayed After Moody’s France Downgrade - Businessweek
UN report warns of widening climate gap between talk and action - AP
Bernanke: Fisca cliff risks ‘sudden and severe’ contraction - The Hill
Ten people who led us to the ‘fiscal cliff’ - MarketWatch
A ‘Cliff’ Deal Could Still Cost Consumers $218B - Fiscal Times
China Plans to Build the World’s Largest Skyscraper in Just 90 Days - Time
Jeremy Grantham offers most-depressing forecast ever - Investment News
Grantham: Biggest Housing Bubble Since 807 A.D. Has Burst - Washington’s Blog
Home for the Holidays? Not for Walmart Workers - HuffPost
Oil up to above $87 after Tel Aviv bus explosion - AP
Gold dips after failure to strike Greece debt deal - Reuters
Insider behavior points to imminent rally - MarketWatch
Other Things to Think About Besides the Fiscal Cliff - The Big Picture
Wrong Sort of Volatility Hits Trend Followers - Financial Times
What Fund Managers All Across Europe Are Thinking & Gold - King World News
Industrial silver demand to decline 6% this year – Silver Institute - Mineweb
Silver ETF Holdings Reach Record Amid Purchases By Buy-And-Hold Investors - HAI
How demand from China could send the gold price soaring - MoneyWeek
RBI bans bank loans to buy gold - Indian Express
Economic outlook: Groping for growth - Economist
Americans’ Confidence in the Economy Recedes Post Election - Gallup
Macroeconomic adjustment and the history of crises in open economies - voxeu
There Is Only One Thing That Can Save Japan Now: Inflation - The Atlantic
Monetary policy in Japan: The Battle for the Bank of Japan - Economist
BOE Voted 8-1 to Halt Bond Purchases as QE Impact Questioned - Bloomberg
Why Atlanta, New York, and Chicago are driving a housing recovery - Washington Post
Yes, Housing Starts Surge, But Rentals Are the Drivers - CNBC
Economy has lost some fundamental pop: Bernanke - MarketWatch
2012 Is The Tipping Point – Results Are In, Bankers Lost - GSW
Why So Many Americans Don’t Have Bank Accounts - Time
The Biggest Myth About the Fed - Macro Market Musings
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