Wednesday Morning Links
Dow falls 234 points as earnings disappoint - LA Times
Fed to keep buying bonds despite firmer U.S. growth - Reuters
Bernanke To Attack Jobless Rate With QE Until His Term Ends - Bloomberg
Draghi Takes Pitch Into Lion’s Den as German Faith Wavers - Businessweek
Despite Push for Austerity, European Debt Has Soared - NY Times
Greece says wins bailout extension, finalizes cuts - Reuters
Mario Draghi’s power grab will end in tears - MarketWatch
More Americans tap retirement funds. Is that OK? - CSM
More Americans delaying retirement until their 80s - CNN/Money
Fiscal cliff approaches and concerns mount - The Hill
Obama’s vow on ‘fiscal cliff’ offers hope - Washington Post
Debt & Obesity - Azizonomics
Oil steady on Chinese manufacturing survey - AP
Gold holds near seven-week low, Fed meeting eyed - Reuters
David Rosenberg: “What Is Wrong With This Market? - Zero Hedge
Weak US Earnings Cast Shadow Over Risk Appetite - CNBC
Are Small Investors Right to Dump Stocks? - WSJ
Global Oil Demand & Supply - Dr. Ed’s Blog
Turkish gold trade booms to Iran, via Dubai - Reuters
Vote: How, If At All, Should You Invest In Gold? - WSJ
Pause in monetary policy behind gold’s decline - Mineweb
Sales by US Mint of silver outpace gold over fifty-fold -
Europe’s manufacturing gets weaker - CNN/Money
Eurozone debt hits 90 percent of its economy - AP
Gauging the multiplier: Lessons from history - voxeu
China factory data add to ‘soft landing’ view - MarketWatch
Britain has left the European Union in all but name - Telegraph
China May Forgo Easing as Economy Rebounds, Survey Shows - Businessweek
China becomes world’s largest FDI recipient in first half of 2012 - xinhuanet
King Says BOE Is Ready to Add to QE If U.K. Recovery Fades - Businessweek
More Americans Walk Away from Their Mortgages - Fiscal Times
O.C. home price up 5.9% in year - O.C. Register
Phoenix Picked Clean, Private Equity Descends on Atlanta - Bloomberg
Freddie Mac Says QE3 Is Boosting Housing Activity - WSJ
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