Jim Grant on the Fed’s “Atlas Complex”

Jim Grant of Grant’s Interest Rate Observer has some more thoughts about the Federal Reserve, likening the way they see the world to Atlas’s view, as if all the world’s economic problems are being carried on their shoulders rather than the alternative approach that seemed to work so well during the 1920-21 depression when the economy healed itself rather quickly when left to its own devices.

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The Atlas Complex discussion starts at about the 5:45 mark and is followed by some observations about Fed Chief Ben Bernanke’s double-standard on prices. In general, the Fed sees prices as being the “critical guiding mechanism” of a market economy, however, that applies to all prices except for the price of money (i.e., interest rates) that only the central bank seems to know best.

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3 Responses to Jim Grant on the Fed’s “Atlas Complex”

  1. Frank H April 27, 2012 at 4:47 PM #

    Not sure I agree with your comment “r the price of money (i.e., interest rates)” Interest rates are the price of time. here is a good article on what the price of money is!


  2. Frank H April 27, 2012 at 10:00 PM #

    I actually did an interview explaining how interest rates are the price of time:


    • Tim April 29, 2012 at 9:06 AM #

      I think we’re going to have a lot more “unanticipated inflation” in the years ahead…

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