Welcome to Iacono Research!

This is a special greeting for readers coming from any of the various websites under the umbrella of Implode-Explode Heavy Industries (I just love that name!).

My name is Tim Iacono and, in addition to writing a blog that many of you may already be familiar with - The Mess That Greenspan Made - I also write an investment newsletter focusing on natural resources, now in its third year of publication.

As part of a new partnering agreement with the folks at the Implode-O-Meter, we've arranged a special subscription offer for those of you who may be interested in learning more about this great investment sector, a sector that is still largely undiscovered by retail investors.

Yes, it really is hard to believe, but even with oil having breached $100 per barrel and gold having surmounted $1,000 per ounce, most investment advisors and individual investors still don't know how to spell "commodities".

One of the great things about this investment sector today is that you can get exposure to both commodities and related stocks through a growing number of ETFs (Exchange Traded Funds), ETNs (Exchange Traded Notes), and other financial instruments traded on U.S. stock exchanges.

Free TrialNow, if you want to own corn, aluminum, or natural gas, you don't have to open up a futures trading account, you can buy these commodities in ETF form through a standard brokerage account just like you buy stocks and mutual funds.

A growing number of ETFs also focus on natural resource stocks, so, for example, if you wanted to own shares of companies that are involved in agribusiness or nuclear energy, you can do so with a single ETF purchase.

Individual stocks, particularly the small-cap exploration companies with vast potential for share price appreciation, are also an integral part of my investment approach, an approach that is shared with subscribers via weekly updates (typically 10 to 15 pages in length) filled with charts and graphs you will see nowhere else.

The performance data you see in the graphic to the right is backed up with detailed data for every single purchase and sale since this investment service was launched (usually not more than one or two transactions per month), using a model portfolio that is based on my own holdings.

As you can read about on the Biography page, my wife and I retired in 2007 while in our mid-40s. I found out very early on when I first started the blog, writing about a subject enables you to understand it much better than you would from just reading or talking about it. Writing this investment newsletter helps me to understand financial markets and manage my own money and I am more than happy to share these thoughts, in great detail, with subscribers who are eager to learn about and keep abreast of developments in this area.

To take advantage of the special low price subscription offer, compliments of your friends at Implode-Explode Heavy Industries, click here.

To have a look around the website in order to learn more about this investment service and my background, please use the links above - FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions), Approach, Biography, and Resources.

If there are any questions that I can help answer, please send mail to [email protected].


Best Regards,

Tim Iacono