Monday Morning Links
World shares rally on U.S. fiscal hopes - Reuters
Spanish banks see bad debts reach new high - BBC
Shadow Banking Grows to $67 Trillion Industry - Businessweek
Debt ceiling may collide with fiscal cliff - CNN/Money
America’s Fiscal Cliff Dwellers - Johnsons, Project Syndicate
Five Ways Obama Can Defuse a Fiscal Cliff Stalemate - Fiscal Times
Why We Should Stop Obsessing About The Federal Budget Deficit - Robert Reich
If August 2011 Is The “Fiscal Cliff Resolution” Template, Watch Out Below - Zero Hedge
Kyle Bass Rips MMT Theory but Does Not Explain Why Japan Will Default - Value Walk
Some personal thoughts on surviving the monetary meltdown - Detlev Schlichter
Understanding the “Exorbitant Privilege” of the U.S. Dollar - oftwominds
New face, old thinking for the Fed? - Fleckenstein, MSN Money
Oil rises as Israel-Hamas fight continues - AP
Gold price firms, buoyed by Middle East - Reuters
Investors Rush to Beat Threat of Higher Taxes -NY Times
Apple set to gap up in premarket trading Monday - CNN/Money
Yen Hits 7-Month Low on BOJ Easing Worries, Euro Gains - CNBC
Investors Optimistic in the Face of Declining Stock Prices - Daily Capitalist
Buy and Hold Is Dead … Did It EVER Work? - Washington’s Blog
Tingling fingers keep silver investors cautious in Q4 - GFMS - Mineweb
Mining Shares Weak But Gold & Silver Bullion Strong - GoldSilverWorlds
Why Gold Bugs Should Cheer For Democrat Presidents - Zero Hedge
Economic cloud after storm gets darker - MarketWatch
GDP Accelerating to 2.9% Helping U.S. Overcome Sandy Woes - Bloomberg
How transient is the “Sandy effect” on US economic data? - Sober Look
U.S. workers endure ‘lost decade’ of declining wages - McClatchy
Merkel’s day of reckoning as taxpayer haircut on Greece looms - Telegraph
Getting the right measure of gloom and doom from the Bank of England - Telegraph
China Home Prices Gain in Half the Cities as Market Steadies - Bloomberg
Bernanke pledges to do what he can to reflate the housing bubble - O.C. Housing News
JPMorgan And Credit Suisse Put Mortgage Problems Behind Them For All Time - Dealbreaker
Will next time be different? A report from the 30th Cato monetary conference - Economist
They Won’t Be Forgotten - aucontrarian
Fiscal Madness - Fed Watch
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