Friday Morning Links
Brazil declares new ‘currency war’ - CNN
ECB Says Overnight Deposits Surge to Record - Bloomberg
The ECB’s Policies Are Anything But Harmless - Spiegel
Greek Swaps Headed Back to ISDA Committee - Bloomberg
Negative Equity Traps One Third of American Borrowers - CNBC
Secret Commerce Department Report Shows the Economy May be Faltering - CEPR
Bill O’Reilly is Misinforming Americans About Oil Supplies - The Oil Drum
Obama, chart in hand, presses his case on gas prices - LA Times
If Stockton Is Broke, Then Why Isn’t San Diego? - Bloomberg
Will Wall Street Ever Face Justice? - NY Times
Why the stock market rally won’t last - Fortune
Financial Crisis Amnesia - Geithner, WSJ
Oil below $108 after Saudi explosion report denied - AP
Gold inches up as buyers trickle back after selloff - Reuters
Israel to Begin Investing Reserves in U.S Equities Today - Bloomberg
Thoughts on Retirement with Dignity 2.0 - The Big Picture
Has There Ever Been a Better Time to Be an Investor? - WSJ
Why retail gasoline prices are nearing a record - MarketWatch
Dollar Going Out With A Whimper, Not A Bang — So Far - Dollar Collapse
Facing Sanctions, Iran to Sideline Dollar by Using Gold in Trade - New American
Reported 31 tonne sell order triggered gold and silver price collapse - Mineweb
Did Ben Bernanke kill the gold rally? - CNN/Money
Two Issues that Can Bring Down the Economy - Fiscal Times
Calling BS on ECRI’s recession call defense - Bonddad
Eurozone unemployment rate at 10.7% - CNN/Money
‘Hubrisk’ (hubris+risk) and the Greek crisis - voxeu
China state banks to boost selected property loans - Bloomberg
Germany May Support Euro Firewall Increase for Psychological Reasons - Spiegel
New home sales in Australia enter record slump - Sydney Morning Herald
Delinquent mortgage squatters predominate high-end properties - OC Housing News
Fitch outlines the hazards of principal reduction - Housing Wire
Quarter of all 4th Quarter Home Sales Were in Foreclosure - Housing Views
Fed’s Lockhart: Benefits of Low-Rate Policy Outweigh Costs - WSJ
Bernanke’s First Step Is Admitting There’s a Problem - RCM