Friday Morning Links
Wall Street’s War - Taibbi, Rolling Stone
Gulf Oil Flow Halted, Unclear if Can be Sustained - CNBC
Goldman Sachs Seeks to Settle With Lesser Charge - DealBook
Buffett to testify under FCIC subpoena after resisting request - CNN/Money
Debt-deflation Bear Market Update: First Bounce officially over - iTulip
Data Show Federal Policy Triggered Mortgage Meltdown - NLPC
Financial markets: Rescuing the rescuers - Economist
Cost concerns delay jobs bill in Congress - Reuters
Have these these links delivered to your inbox every weekday.
Oil moves above $75 amid improving economic mood - AP
Gold up slightly on investment buying; ETF rises - Reuters
Drivers may enjoy lower prices at the pump through June - MarketWatch
GLD to Open Purchase Capacity For Up To $28 Billion More In Gold - Zero Hedge
Graham Dyer: Pretty Much Everything is Headed Down - Dollar Collapse
‘Decisive break-out to the upside’ for silver forecast - Mineweb
Inflation vs. gold vs. deflation - Mineweb
Jobs and businesses: The perils of being small - Economist
M3 Hysteria and a Look M2, MZM, GDP and PPI - Jesse’s Cafe
Q1 growth lowered, jobless claims fall - Reuters
Lessons of hard times in Vallejo - LA Times
Ireland: the hard path to austerity - CSM
European exporters needn’t fear austerity - MarketWatch
N.Z. Home-Building Approvals Surge to Two-Year High - Bloomberg
Spain orders banks to come clean on debts to restore shattered faith - Telegraph
U.S. and Germany remain divided over financial regulation issues - Washington Post
Japan prices and spending slip, unemployment rises - MarketWatch
World debt crisis: eight reasons you should care - CSM
Subprime Lending Returns to the U.K. - BusinessWeek
After foreclosure: How long until you can buy again? - CNN/Money
The Hard Truth About Residential Real Estate - Mad Hedge Fund Trader
Why Did Ron Paul Introduce a Homebuyer Tax Credit Extension? - Business Insider
Fannie Mae mortgage holdings grow on loan buyouts - Reuters
Bank of America’s King Midas - CNN/Money
The Cult of Subprime Central Bankers - Baker, HuffPo
Treasury vows fight for strong financial reforms - Reuters
TARP’s tiniest failures add up - CNN/Money
Road construction sign woos Wisconsin motorists - AP
West Poised for Worst Grasshopper Outbreak in 30 Years - LiveScience
Proposal to require identification to buy prepaid cellphones - Washington Post
German bank ‘blown up by robbers in botched raid’ - BBC