Monday Morning Links
Spain woes rattle markets again - BBC
Greece now in “Great Depression”, PM says - Reuters
Spanish Yield Reaches Record on Regional Bailout Concern - Bloomberg
Greece Back at Center of Euro Crisis as Spain Yields Soar - Bloomberg
Blaming the Spanish as Europe spirals into summer crisis - Telegraph
Despite falling jobless rate, poverty on track to highest since 1960s - Newsday
From an Unlikely Source, a Serious Challenge to Wall Street - Taibblog
Prosecutors, regulators close to making Libor arrests - Reuters
Risk On, Risk Off and the Spanish/Chinese Tug of War - Prudent Bear
Super rich hold $32 trillion in offshore havens - Reuters
The fiscal cliff and rationality - Econbrowser
Bankers Gone Wild - Surowiecki, New Yorker
Oil falls to near $89 amid Europe, China jitters - AP
Gold drops 1 pct as Spain worries hit euro, stocks - Reuters
U.S. stock futures tumble as Europe fears return - MarketWatch
Investors betting on QE3 may be in a crowded trade - Sober Look
Still Think That Money Market Fund Is “Cash”? - Dollar Collapse
Can’t buy stocks, can’t sell ‘em - Fleckenstein, MSN Money
CFTC’s Chilton Sees Silver Probe Concluding This Year - Bloomberg
Indians should reduce gold tributes to God - RBI Governor - Mineweb
Gold to hit all time high of $2000/oz in Q1 2013 - Commodity Online
Gold bugs bank on QE3 to ride to the rescue - Telegraph
U.S. economy moving sideways again - MarketWatch
The Week Ahead: How Big an Economic Slowdown? - A Dash of Insight
The Lucas Critique and the hard-money consensus - Noahpinion
Want Growth? Forgive and Restructure Debt for Working Families - HuffPost
Lying Libor Is Nothing Compared to China’s Fake GDP - CNBC
Japan Sees Wider Global Slowdown as China Growth Cools - Bloomberg
Worrying about the Canadian housing market - Worthwhile Canadian Initiative
The Housing Market’s New Problem? Not Enough Homes to Sell - U.S. News
Why the housing market won’t ever be the same - Commercial Appeal
Ron Paul’s ‘audit the Fed’ bill coming up Tuesday - Reuters
Bleak Jobs Outlook Raises Heat on Fed - FT
John Williams Gets It - Fed Watch