Friday Morning Links
Eurozone boosts firewall to $1 trillion - BBC
The pain in Spain may not be enough - Telegraph
The Flaw In Europe’s Austerity Plan: Elections - Dollar Collapse
Germany launches strategy to counter ECB largesse - Telegraph
Despite protests, Spain to approve 2012 austerity budget - Washington Post
A Civilization on Edge: Amid Debt Crisis, Athens Falls Apart - Spiegel
Stark Says ECB Didn’t Expect Banks to Borrow So Much for 3 Years - Bloomberg
Ka-Poom Theory Update Two – Preamble: Theory of a Sudden Adjustment - iTulip
Push to End Too-Big-To-Fail Goes Mainstream - Taibblog
Grim Housing Data Shows We Have Not Hit Bottom - Fiscal Times
Is Wall Street Full of Psychopaths? - The Atlantic
Gold: For richer, for poorer as crisis cools - Reuters
A Decade of Debt and Default - Motley Fool
Was Quantitative Easing a Tax? - NetNet
Oil rises above $103 after hitting 6-week low - AP
Gold climbs as dollar index plumbs one-month low - Reuters
Window Dressing or Something More? - The Big Picture
Treasuries Are Poised for Worst Three Months Since 2010 - Bloomberg
Humbled gold miners sweeten pie to entice investors - Reuters
5 Signs Irrational Exuberance Is Back and 2 Actions to Respond - Motley Fool
Emerging market central banks net sellers of Gold in Feb - Commodity Online
Gold Traders Struggle to Recognize the Fed’s Tune - WSJ
Indian jewellers strike enters 14th day - Business Standard
India gold imports hit 970 tons last year - Bullion Street
Is the Economy Growing Faster Than We Knew? - NY Times
Will the “Real” GDP Please Stand Up? - Advisor Perspectives
Fed’s Low Interest Rates ‘Toxic’ for Economy: Pro - CNBC
Exclusive: Brazil to rally BRICS against rich countries - Reuters
China Yuan Has First Quarterly Drop Since 2009 on Slowing Growth - Bloomberg
Japan jobless rate falls to 4.5 pct in Feb. on economic recovery - xinhuanet
Is a Dangerous Divide Opening Between Beijing Leaders? - Spiegel
Goldman Bets on Property Rebound With New Fund - Bloomberg
Investors Swarm Housing Market, Raising Concerns - CNBC
Rates Should Rise in 2013; No More Easing: Fed’s Lacker - CNBC
Gold, Money Creation, and the Monetization of Debt - Forbes
More on Bernanke and the Gold Standard - Uneasy Money
Visualizing The Fed’s Clogged Plumbing - Zero Hedge