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December 12, 2006 Yesterday a reader sent a link to a Wall Street Journal commentary, perhaps hoping to jolt me out of a flu-induced haze - it did the trick. Reading Five Macroeconomic Myths ($) by Nobel Laureate Edward Prescott is further proof that much of mainstream economic thought today is profoundly based on ever-rising asset values at any cost. For better or worse. The WSJ article was derived from this presentation made at the Economic Club of Phoenix a couple weeks ago where, curiously, there used to be seven myths. Whatever the number of myths, a closer look at a few of them is clearly warranted.
Well it's nice to see that financial dark matter has uses in addition to rationalizing the trade deficit. Left unsaid here is that during the 1990s, the value of intangible investment like patents, brand names, R&D, and "unmeasured savings" (more on that in a minute) all rose at a pace nearly equal to stock prices. It all makes perfect sense when you think about it - just like housing today, if you try hard enough you can convince yourself that assets are properly valued. Actually, aside from the dark matter rationalization, it's hard to disagree with the refuting of this myth - it's not a matter of causation, but rather, enablement. Had money been tighter - margin lending, venture capital, you name it - the internet boom may have been a long gradual affair rather than a mad dash to the 2000 tech wreck. Unmeasured Savings It was hard to select a title for today's post until this phrase was looked at a few times - unmeasured savings. What will they think of next? It is reminiscent of the phrase from the Chicago Fed from just a couple months ago explaining how wealth creation technology in the form of "innovative" lending, and not loose monetary policy, caused the housing boom. In fact, the two should probably be combined - contemporary mortgage lending could be more properly characterized as "savings creation technology".
Actually, the misconception comes from the Commerce Department that continues to report a negative personal savings rate - a condition that persists when consumers' expenditures exceed their income. Of course, the difference is made up primarily by borrowing against the rising value of real estate - something that works well until real estate values stop going up. It's hard to believe that something once shunned - borrowing against your house - is now a way of life for many homeowners, especially senior citizens. It's also hard to believe that the entire second paragraph above could be written without using those two words - "real estate". That's where the lion's share of the "wealth" has come from in recent years, wealth that now seems to be disappearing in many parts of the country. Apparently even a Nobel Laureate economist thinks that people don't have to save the old fashioned way anymore, that rising asset prices will do the heavy lifting. Amazing. Gubment Debt As if the rationalization of wealth and savings wasn't enough, government debt is first defended as being "not large", then as possibly "too small". It helps to make this case if you can exclude large chunks of the debt.
According to the Treasury Department, in just the last ten years debt held by the public has increased by 28 percent while intragovernmental holdings have increased by a whopping 125 percent. For most of the last three decades intragovernmental debt was insignificant compared to the public debt - now they are almost equal. To say that only debt held by the public matters when assessing the size of the debt is the height of hubris. It fails to consider what happens when the debt comes due, as many future Social Security recipients are expecting, and it also pays no heed to the likelihood that current holders of public debt may ultimately balk at continued monetization of new debt. It sounds almost too good to be true - that the country can continue to borrow and print money like a banana republic forever, with no consequences. Grandkids, Don't Worry There is much more here - most of which would make little sense to anyone other than another economist, and maybe not even then. The reassurance provided to future generations regarding the debt of the current generation is priceless.
Something about insufficient productive assets to meet the needs of future retirees leads the casual reader to believe that reliance on ever-increasing asset prices to assure a sound financial future are again somehow involved. Can asset prices really rise in perpetuity? We'll probably find out in the next five years. Will there be consequences to supporting ever-increasing asset prices with an expansion in money and credit that seems to know no bounds? We'll see. That seems to be the assumption that is central to nearly all of contemporary economic theory - keep asset prices rising, whatever it takes. If the unfolding aftermath of the housing boom that followed the stock market boom is any indication of what lies ahead, today's youth can only wonder what they will find as they approach their golden years. |
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